2023-09-29 12:57

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Health & Safety At Work Needs More Female Union Safety Reps

We all know that most health and safety procedures and personal protective equipment is male orientated, and it will come as no surprise that most Trade Union Safety Reps are male.

Now the TUC in recognition of this and the fact that nothing will change unless women who care about heath and safety at work to become union Safety Reps, is running free, online introductory courses for Women and Young members considering the role of Health & Safety Rep.

Women and young people are currently under-represented in the role.

The TUC website asks:

Are you a woman trade union member who has considered the role of Health and Safety Rep, but want to know more? Not sure if it's for you, or what it involves? Are there particular concerns or questions you have, or just want to hear about the kinds of issues and campaigns that safety reps work on, and action they can take? Do you have a particular interest in women's health and the safety risks we face?

If so, this is for you!

Tuesday 3rd October, for Women union members:


Friday 6th October, for young union members:


Please share with anyone who you think would make a great safety rep.

Source: Mark D Holt / TUC

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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